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Study branch Technical Diagnostics, Service and Management

About study programme

After years of technical diagnostics was of marginal interest to owners and especially economists companies like something completely unnecessary, since only inefficiently by resources, the situation changes dramatically. Proper application of elements of technical diagnostics in the operation of a modern enterprise becomes a matter of course, leading to higher operational reliability, durability, precision manufacturing and economic savings. This brings an increased interest in workers skilled in this area, including graduates Technical diagnostics, repair and maintenance. The result is that not only our students, but also a number of active students is seamlessly applied in many modern societies.
Faculty Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Study programme Engineering
Type of study Bachelor
Language of instruction Czech
Code of the branch 2301R023
Title of the branch Technical Diagnostics, Service and Management
Regular period of the study 3 years
Coordinating department Department of Machine and Industrial Design
Coordinator Ing. Jan Blata, Ph.D.
Key words Operating Life
Technical Diagnostics